Yeah, we've all been there. At some point we've all tried to make someone who broke our heart jealous. It happens. But wow, I have never seen a more pathetic attempt until right now. As I mentioned I've had some ties to cut lately. One of which was so upset he defriended me on Facebook. Zing! Yeah, that'll show me all right.
Ok, I get it. You defriended me in hopes that I would notice. Well bravo it worked, but only because I was going to send you an apology. I looked at your page, some new tool-like profile picture is up. Typical. So I message you, "you deserve an explanation..." yadda yadda yadda. And what do you know, you write back 2 days later sporting a new profile picture of you and some little Japanese girl. What's this? Your status changed to "In a Relationship"? And your message... awe inspiring : "Life goes on. Sometimes we meet certain people in life that will teach us many things or will help us learn more about ourselves or somehow indirectly lead you to other people with whom you'll form new friendships, new loves, or learn something, and it's beautiful and that's how life is..." Brilliant. Pure gold.
Well it was a nice try on your part, but did you forget telling me about the Japanese girl you dated before me? Did you forget telling me she moved back to Japan? And did you simply not notice that in your profile picture your hair is short, when now it's long? But the icing on the cake has to be your status updates : "Lovin life", "Couldn't be happier", and the best yet "In love...".
Nice try, buddy. But we can all tell your photos are scanned. At least download it to your phone and mobile upload it next time. Oh, and when you messaged me to ask if my number was in fact, my number.... you took it too far.